Personal Injury Lawyer Near Columbus Georgia

What Does Esquire Mean?

If you’ve ever received correspondence from a lawyer, you may have noticed the abbreviation “Esq.” or “Esquire” after their name.  The Historical Origins of Esquire The title “esquire” has a rich history from medieval England. It comes from the French word “escuyer,” which means shield bearer. Initially, it referred to a squire, an apprentice to… read more

Can I Have One Drink and Drive? 

In Georgia, it is not illegal to drive after consuming a single drink, but any amount of alcohol that impairs your ability to operate a vehicle can result in a Driving Under the Influence (DUI) charge. Georgia law allows DUI charges based on impairment, even if your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is below the legal… read more

Symptoms Of A Fractured Sternum

The sternum, also called the “breastbone,” plays an important role in human anatomy. Located in the center of the chest, it connects the left and right ribs to form a protective cage for the heart, lungs, and major blood vessels. A fracture in the sternum could cause severe complications.  What Causes A Sternum Fracture? The… read more

What Is the Difference Between Premises Liability and Personal Liability?

In simple terms, personal liability involves wrongful actions, while premises liability focuses on hazardous conditions on someone’s property. For example, if you run a red light, hit another car, and cause someone to break their leg, that’s personal liability. On the other hand, if a stairway railing in your home collapses, causing a guest to… read more

How Long Does It Take Allstate To Reply to a Demand Letter?

If you’ve sent a demand letter to Allstate after an accident in Georgia, you’re likely wondering how long it will take for them to respond. The timeline can vary based on the complexity of the case, the specifics of your demand, and Allstate’s internal processes.  However, understanding how the process works and what to expect… read more

Many Accidents Can Cause Herniated Discs at C4/C5 or C5/C6. Here’s What You Need to Know.

Accidents can happen in the blink of an eye. Some cause minor injuries, while others can lead to more serious ones, such as herniated discs at the C4/C5 and C5/C6 vertebrae. This can cause significant pain and long-term disability.  If you or someone you know has suffered a herniated disc due to an accident, an… read more

Everything You Need To Know About Class Action Lawsuits

The class action lawsuit (not to be confused with multidistrict litigation) is a legal innovation that combines many cases into a single case. This improves judicial efficiency and stops courts from being clogged by a multitude of cases with similar facts. If you want to initiate a class action, however, you’d better know what you… read more

Symptoms of a Broken Tailbone

The tailbone, or coccyx, might be small, but it can cause significant pain when injured. A broken or bruised tailbone can lead to intense discomfort and difficulty with daily activities like sitting, walking, or even standing. If you’ve suffered a tailbone injury in Columbus, Georgia, understanding the symptoms and potential treatment options is crucial. What… read more

The Mirena Crash Is Real, and It’s Affecting Countless Women

Although millions of women around the world have had their Mirena intrauterine devices (IUDs) removed with no issue, many have experienced a set of symptoms that has earned it the term “Mirena Crash.” The Mirena IUD works by slowly releasing the hormone progestin to prevent the fertilization of a woman’s eggs. Made by Bayer Pharmaceuticals,… read more

How Safe Are Motor Scooters In Columbus, GA?

As you walk along the sidewalks of Columbus, Georgia, you may have noticed more scooters zipping by with each passing day. They look like fun, and they seem to be a great way to save gas on those commutes that are right between too far and too close, but are they safe? A study by… read more